Saturday, October 7, 2023

2023 Fire Tower 50k Race Report

2023 Fire Tower 50k was held on Saturday October 7th at St Croix State Park in Minnesota. After running this virtually (on course and self-supported) solo in 2020 during Covid, I wanted to come back and run the real event.

After my bone spur issue in 2022 and into this year, I started back running in August, anxious to get an ultra finish and continue my streaks (marathon distance race annually going back to 2008 and yearly ultras going back to 2010). I got up to a single 13 mile run a month before this event (and averaged almost 30 mi/wk for 6wks), and believed I could run a portion and hike the rest of it. That was my plan.

Pre-race photo
Race day was cloudy and 42° at the start - ideal conditions for me at the 7:00am start. Set out a drop back for the halfway point (we'd hit it again at mi. 20) and started out at a comfortable pace near a small group. Wasn't long before it was just me at my own pace. 
Skipped the first Aid Station at mile 3.5 (37.:01) and continued toward the Fire Tower at mile 9. 

Fire Tower!

Had a view this year!

Shared a mile or three with these two!

Got here, mile 9, after 1:39 (5.5 mi section in 1:02), still running well. Going up was fine, and shared the top with two others I had ran with leading up to it. Took a few picts and was glad to have a view this time around. (My 2020 "race' had No view with clouds blocking everything). Including a pit stop, it added about 7 minutes to my time. I joked about going up second time with the AS volunteer, but they said only if I was doing the 100k. Headed out for the next section which included some of my favorite trails in the park along the Kinic River.

Kinic River

Favorite miles by the river!

Headed toward Overlook/Gate 23 AS

I had hoped to get to the Overlook/Gate 23 AS at mile 15 being able to run, and I mostly accomplished that. I got there after 2:59 elapsed. Took 5 minutes - refilled my bladder with Gatorade. I had brought my old trekking poles, and planned to pick them up at Mile 20 when I came back through. Slowed down significantly and was content to power hike starting about mile 19. 
Got back to the AS after 4:05. Had to empty my shoes of pebbles, had some coke and a grilled cheese and after 5 minutes, walked out, forgetting my poles. 

I felt decent after that - except my right knee was tender if I ran much. I cruised along, particularly after finding a great hiking stick that I used the last 7ish miles. I didn't see too many people, but did speak as people passed me (or I passed others). I skipped the last aid station (mile 27.6, 5:57 elapsed) and came in with someone else as we both trotted in.

Walking it in

The finish!

My finish time was 6:47. (4/8 age group, 18/39 gender)


Recovery went fine...hamstrings were sore for a few days, had one blister due to a rock under my right heel, and was practically 100% a week later (although I did have some right knee soreness on and off for a few weeks leading into a very warm winter!
(This was written in May 2024 based on my notes)