Friday, January 9, 2009

last post missing...what did I say??

Seems my last post went missing! Forget right now what it was, but I imagine it will come back to me over time. So a week has gone on Monday and 3 runs (Tues, Thur and today). Getting a little faster on my 4 mile loop at work. Not supposed to be pushing those, especially with the hills, but I do anyway. Looking forward to backing off to 3 runs a week, yoga and some cross training. Read an article in a recent Runner's World about commuting runners. I have 5 miles each way, and I could do that once a week I think. It's more of a time thing (taking the extra 25-30 minutes to get home to my girls), and running where there are no sidewalks. I see people out running and with their reflective outfits - they can't be missed. Me being a morning person (usually), that is not a problem.
So a May marathon? Found s good one. Flat to downhill course on a somewhat familiar course. Problem is that it's in Spokane, WA. I am trying to get a work trip out there (even though a manufacturing plant of ours closed, we still have 5 engineers on contract and there's plenty of knowledge to transfer!). It's the Windermere Marathon, mostly on the Centennial Trail, running beside the Spokane River from Post Falls, ID finishing in downtown Spokane. I've run/biked more than 10 miles of the's quite nice! May 16th, which should be decent temps out there. Short 6 miles this weekend...

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