Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Updates: Running in heat wave; lost toenail; Marathon signup

So after my "recovery" week and my 8k PR, I jumped right back to 37 miles the following week. Hit my speedwork goals and my 11 mile mid-week tempo run.
With 6 weeks before the Croft Trail Marathon, I still had two 20milers to complete. The next week (June 18th) was another successful speedwork session. I had started the last 7-weeks of a FIRST marathon training plan. January 16th - I started with a 16-week plan for 3:50. After 9 weeks, I re-started with an 11-week 3:45 plan. (Adding extra days running of course for my 12hr training). Now I am down to a 3:40 training plan, and hitting the goals (or below!) each week.
So - my long run the prior week was at Lake Conestee, but this week I met up with the GTC Trail Runners group (Look for us on Facebook) and got my 20 in there. Nice group - Viktor, Merl, Tiana, Bo, Jim, and others!
The next week saw me travel to El Paso (Juarez) and CA (outside LA), but got a wonderful 9 miles of running in at the Puente Hills trails (Hacienda Hills). Great elevation!! After the red-eye home Fri night, I did something I had not done all year - took the weekend off from running! Not bad - missing one out of 26. After almost 43 miles the previous week, I felt ok with it.
More travel the next week - to DC over the 4th holiday, but the morning on the day we left  - more speedwork: 10x400@1:39!

I love going to DC and running in Rock Creek Park. Western Ridge & Valley trails...very nice. Few trees down after the severe storm that came thru last weekend, and Very hot. DC was in the middle of 9+ straight days of temps over 90 (setting a record for that). Even at 7:30am it was miserable.
After two days of doing my typical 6mile loop, I took off a day for my high school reunion.

Two events happened that week:
1st: my toenail (middle toe, left foot) was finally removed after being deadened after the 12 hr event of June 2nd. Was tired of it, so just yanked it out. No trouble at all.
2nd: had my first bee sting of my life. I'm 41 and have been running trails for years and grew up paying all kinds of sports outside - and this was my 1st time. Running thru Rock Creek Park, about 20 mins into my loop, felt a needle-stinging something on my outer left leg (just above my ankle). OUCH!!! Man did that sting. Kept going (never saw the culprit) but did stop to look at the mark once or twice further down the trail.
Sunday comes around and it's time for my next 20 miler. I made up 3 loops for this one and along with my handheld (of Gatorade, with ice), I also had my 3L camelbak.
First loop started at about 85° - 7:30am. It felt slow, but my next loop was faster, and stayed strong (at least not exhausted) thru 17 before struggling a bit thru the last 3miles. Saw two deer. Took 4 Gu, 4 S!Caps; ice in handheld melted in under 18minutes. Thankfully, the ice in my pack lasted longer! Took a few stops along the river to cool down-bandannas are a necessity! Almost emptied the 3L in the 3:25 I was out there. Was about 90° when I finished. No muscle issues, although my right knee is a bit sore today (2 days later; drove 5 hrs yesterday, but better than my 8.5hr drive on the way to DC after speedwork and a full day of work!)

Today - another excellent speedwork session: 8x800 @3:23. Slow to start (3:29), then settled in at 3:23 before throwing in a 3:18. Almost stopped there, but toughed out two more 3:23's to keep me right on target! This has got to be the fastest splits for me doing speedwork.

Last note for today: I signed up for the Spinx Runfest Marathon, presented by the Greenville Track Club, which I have been a volunteer/Board member going on 9 yrs now. A little "push" from my buddy Todd and a great price ($50!!) outweighed the fact that it is 2 weeks after my 50k in VA (which will make 3 ultras/marathons in 8 week. At least they'll get shorter (55k, 50k, 26.2mi).

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