Saturday, November 5, 2022

2022 10th Icebox 480 Race Report

Saturday November 5, 2022 was the 10th running of the Icebox 480 (or new for this year, the Icebox 240). I had signed up for the 8 hr event (not the 6 hr) in River Falls, WI. I had run this event in 2015, and then from 2018-2021. 

The year training-wise was not great. After Harbison, there was snow and cold and I used the rowing machine more than I ever had for a couple of months. Ramped up my running mileage starting in April, but in early June - had an issue that ended up derailing most of the rest of the year. Was doing my normal 2 loops 97.1mi) around Lake Phalen and around mile 6, just under my left toe became really sore. Hadn't ramped up too much or too fast, didn't recall stepping on anything. Hobbled home, felt fine walking two days later, biked and rowed that week. Seemed ok -and ran 10.3 2 weeks later - no issues other than a sore hamstring, nothing bad.

The following Friday (June 24th) - same issue at mile 6. Little more time off, walking without any issue, and two runs later - again after 3 miles. Bruising all around the left big toe each time - pretty significant.

Biked, rowed, and hiked for July. Drove to Chicago for a wedding in early August and at my cousin's house when the bruising and soreness (nd swelling) returned just while in their place. Stopped by urgent care on the way back in St Paul the next day and got x-rays that showed nothing. 

In Sept and Oct - hiked, rowed, and ran some single and a few double loops around the lake. Honestly - forgotten about my toe.

Back to the event - this year's event still had the flexible start times (6am-8am), and I started at 7:40am, waiting a little after the 6:55am sunrise. It was chilly at 37° and I started out with my standard gray Harbison t-shirt, light blue jacket, long tights and running shorts. Ran the first loop with just my handheld water bottle and finished the 5.65mi loop in 1:02. (Course was shortened due to some trail work). Took 2 minutes for a pitstop and swapped out my bottle for my UD hydration vest (with water/Gatorade), and headed right back out. Legs felt OK. 

My plan going in, due to my being undertrained - was to run 2 full loops, then power hike the next 3 loops in order to get just over 28 miles. Then possibly - do one more loop (for 33.9 miles), and maybe squeeze out two more 1-mile loops to get 35.9 miles and get over 200 total lifetime Icebox miles! I felt that was very possible.

That lasted about 52 more minutes and my left toe became sore. oh yeah - I forgot about that...oops. I walked the rest of the loop, and my foot also became sore from my gait change. There was no reason to continue and I ended at 2 loops, 11.65mi after 2:15:19. (I was thankful I had done the Harbison 50k race in Jan and get that ultra finish for 2022!)

First race I had not 'finished' what I had set out to do, even if it did not count as a true DNF. 

Swelling dissipated after 2 days although the bruising lasted 5 days. Oddly - I crewed my brother for his 24 hour World's Toughest Mudder event the following weekend in Atmore, AL (near Pensacola, FL) - walked about 29 miles, and had No issues. None.

I did see other doctors at different points, until one finally took one look at the original x-ray and said oh - you have a bone spur, and combined with arthritis in your toe - is causing this. Put up with the pain as you can, but nothing can really be done t=right now as it's not interfering with your daily life. Whatever...

Rowed more than ever (over 250,000m total for Apr/May), gained weight, and didn't run for 5+ months.

(Found my pictures!)

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