Saturday, November 29, 2008

Paris Mountain Summit!

So I went out and met the group for the last/3rd Paris Mountain training run this morning at 8am. Cool and rainy (although I didn't get rained on at all). I made it up to the summit!! My 1st time ever runnig the mtn so I was excited to be able to do it. Having run just 1 other day this week (Monday ran 1 mile) and not much at all last week either - I felt good. Was good to run with people I must say. Brina - from the Greer Half and I ran up together on and off with others in the group of 12 or so. Lots of people out at Furman (Team in Training groups mostly). Only issue with my run was behind my right knee - got a little sore just before I got back to the mall at Furman Univ. Was fine once I stopped. The whole group except for myself ran the whole 12.4 mile course, but I only did the ~3.8 up to the top, then turned around and came back. 40 minutes up, 35 minutes back. Not sure when my next run/training will be...Hopefully Sun or Monday. Could be Tuesday. I haven't been keeping up with other blogs, but will soon (I hope!)

Friday, November 28, 2008


Baby Cecelia was born 11-25-08 at 10:13pm. 6lbs 2oz, 20-1/4" long, all natural by my amazing wife! Everyone is great, we are back home and I am torn between giving up running completely and spending every second with my beautiful daughter! Well - actually - I will continue running - if things go well tonight - tomorrow for the last Paris Mtn training run, but probably only to the top and back, the 7.5 mile route as I have only run once in the last week or two (that ankle issue). Felt good for one mile on the treadmill at a good incline this Monday. More when I can write!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I Ran today/Ankle. Running Series

I did run at work today (The ICAR Campus!) in the nice cool weather - Little windy, but great otherwise! I had not noticed my left ankle for a couple of days, so went out for a 4.2 mile run around ICAR. Started to feel my ankle slightly around the 2 mile mark and never got bad, but a few hours later just walking still felt a little like a sprain/strain or something. So maybe I'll skip the Paris Mtn training run, and the 20k. Again. I still want to do that run! Now that the GTC Running Series points have been updated - and I am only 20 points out of 3rd place for my age group - it was tempting to go ahead and say I will do the 20k. Then I looked around at the standings, last years 20k results and decided there was No Way I could possibly finish in the top 3. Oh 2 year streak is over. Was still surprised how high you can get being as slow as I am. It just pays off to do all the races!

Monday, November 17, 2008


So I went back to my switching class that I used to attend on Monday's. Definitely feel it in my legs/arms, but mainly want to increase my "core" strength. Took the yoga class afterwards, so I hope I can get into the routine of doing both of those each week. My ankle is not quite 100%, but will try and run on it Wednesday I think (plans tomorrow for lunch, so that's out). I did resist the urge to run yesterday and keep my 7 month thing going. Spent Sunday raking, LONG overdue weeding, and general stuff around the house, final prep for the baby. (All is still good, still could be Anytime!).
That's all for now.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Ankle...Paris Mtn. 7 months of weekends!

So no baby yet - but we Really think it will arrive in the next 10 days! Ran once last week for a whole 2 miles before my left ankle started to feel like I should walk. Been cross training since, will Not run this weekend - can't say when the last time That happened! Actually - I can...going to my spreadsheet...I was sick and didn't run on a Sat or Sun the weekend of April 5-6! Wow..had no idea it had been that long! Missing the 1st Paris Mtn 20k training run tomorrow, but if things work out - I will get out there next weekend for my 1st venture running up the mountain! Then again - if the baby comes, never mind. Hoping I can keep some semblance of running-shape during this adjustment/recuperation. Won't know until I get back out there a few times.
Going to watch Marion online at San Antonio and send her healthy/quick thoughts this weekend!! I'm excited for her attempt to qualify for Boston. A non-running friend of mine sent an email congratulating me on NY and asked if I "was interested in Boston"? If that was all it took!? Oh well...if I run like this in 20 years I may make it!
Halfway thru watching "Run For Your Life" - the Fred Lebow story. So far so good. Interesting old footage.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Trail run!

So I did the Paris Mtn 11k Trail run this morning. Great day for it - beautiful colors - not that you can admire it too much when you have to watch every step you take. Came thru with no major twisted ankles, just a lingering soreness in my left ankle. It appeared during the marathon for a few early miles (6-8?) then went away. Took my time at the start, let those running for real time go ahead. Had a consistent group the first few miles, then once we started going uphill, many fell off the pace. Had a good walk up the worst of it - and then it spread out pretty well. Ran right behind Megan for quite a while (just before the top). Felt good just to be outside. (Raked leaves in my back yard for 90 minutes last night - wondered during the race how long it would take to rake the course?!). Finished in 1:10 and change. Good to know I can run that hard for that distance so soon after NYC. Got some good advice on marathons/recuperating from GTC member J.J. (Thanks!) Chatted with Marion (She's ready - here comes a 3:40 in SA next weekend!). Started looking at marathon training schedules yesterday - will ease into it with another slower week, with a 10 miler next weekend, then up it to 15 or so after that. Of course everything depends on the baby and when the time to appear is. Ran today with my cell phone (a first for me!) and will continue that...can't take that risk if I want to be able to keep running after the baby comes! Back to yoga on Monday and a couple more easy runs at lunch next week. Still undecided on the Paris Mtn 20k or the 5k. We'll see how the next 2-3 weeks go!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

4:08:38! 2nd PR in 2 weeks. I Love NY!

I Finished! I ran about the time I expected to! I can move afterwards! Those were my three main goals in the NYC Marathon and I accomplished them all. I just got back around 9:45pm last night and there's a lot to say, so don't exect it all to come in one or two posts.
It was Wonderful. The crowds were amazing - people along the whole course, sometimes 6-8 people deep, making so much noise you just had to run with a smile on your face! Can't count the # of times that happened.
Will get to the details later - but ran consistent 9:05's the first 10 miles (give or take). Knew it was a little fast, slowed to ~9:40's eventually. Had some leg issues starting at ~20 (that rare behind the knee thing I get) that had me down to 10 min miles. Ran thru it. Next was general leg tiredness from 22-24, ran thru that. (It's nice they don't linger, just moving on to somewhere else!). 24-26.2 was the muscle just above my right knee - wanting to cramp up the last 2+ miles. Had to run with that or I'm not sure how it would have went!
Walked 2 miles afterwards to exit Central park and meet friends. Walked ~5 miles Monday in NJ to do something. Pretty sore today for my hips to knees, but very manageable. Going downstairs is the worst (but still manageable)
Took pictures along the way - will have those on here once they get developed. Finished 15672 out of 38000+. Had my 2nd PR in 2 weeks, cutting 10 minutes off my only previous marathon in 2001!
More in another day or two. Yippee! Glad it's over...but already thinking about the next one!