Saturday, March 14, 2009

books and a long run tomorrow

So in the last 3 weeks I read John L. Parker's "Once a Runner" (for the 2nd time, and yes, I will be reading it again!) and the sequel, "Again to Carthage". I highly receommend them. 1st one is so much better, but both deserve a read, especially if you run. Let me get to my training update, then maybe I'll go into these...
Hmmm, the day after Reedy I did go out and do ~13 miles as I had hoped. Can't remember the last time I did a long run the day after a race. Let's go to the log...I have done runs the day after 5k's, including a 20 miler, 6 miles after an 8k, but that's really it. Felt pretty good, even with 55° and sun. Averaged 7:25/lap and finished strong with a 6:32 lap. Monday got back to my yoga class after 3 weeks away, that hight alsoi had an Alumni soccer game. Current HS varsity (Wren) vs their alumni. I played with my trail running shoes (no cleats) and shin guards from my high school days (which were older than any player on the other team!). They let us sub on the fly (like in hockey) so we could get out 28 guys in the game. Played maybe 20 minutes, had fun and did not get hurt, so a very positive outing. Rested Tues & Wed. Ran ~4.5 Thursday. Meant to run 6, but legs were pretty heavy. Did 7.6 miles on a stationary bike Friday, rested today. Tomorrow will try and do 18-20. I'd be happy with 18. If the marathon I was looking at is possibly going to happen (9 weeks off), I need a good long run in. 3 of the next 4 weeks should be 18-20 milers. cross your fingers!
More tomorrow...more on the books another time.

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