Sunday, December 6, 2009

Counting down: 6 Days to go!

For my 10 miler this morning, decided to wait until the temps would be closer to what they are projected to be race day - 39°. Had to wait until 11am to go out, but that was fine - two nights in a row up until 11:30pm makes sleeping in a treat! Tried out my race day attire, just was missing the rain. The FIRST plan for a 3:40 marathon had me going out at a 8:23/mile pace to mimic the marathon. It was so nice to actually feel somewhat fresh - and for the 1st time in a Long time! I did hit the goal too - ran a 8:19 pace for 10.2 miles! Obviously had something left in me (the 8:03 pace for Spinx still is fresh) but not sure how long I could hold that. We'll see what happens and how the hills affect it!
Current weather projection: Showers. Low 37, high 44. Brrr.

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